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As joining voting, you will have chance to win prizes that its total value is almost 40,000,000vnd includes:
  • Lucky prizes,  1,000,000 (one million Vietnamese Dong) for each, for lucky voters have enough both two conditions below:
    • Voting for website/company that will win the best prize of 8 prizing items of E-commerce of 2014
    • Predicting the amount of people who vote for above website/company that is closest correct.
  • 50 random prizes, 500,000vnd (five hundred thousand Vietnamese Dong) for each, for voters in order of 500; 1,000; 1,500; 2,000; 2,500; 3,000; 3,500; 4,000; 4,500;.. (in voting order that can be divided by 500).
Voting time: 15/10 – 15/11/2014

Voting Guideline

Way 1: Voting by SMS message (2,000vnd for each message)

Please type message with the syntax below:
ECA <space> 31 <space> Y send 6289
  1. ECA: Name of voting program “E-commerce Award”
  2. 31: voting code of Vietnammm.com
  3. Y: the amount of voters for Vietnammm.com
Example: Vote for Vietnammm.com with voting code 31, guess the amount of voters for Vietnammm.com that is 3500
ECA <space> 31 <space> 3500 send 6289
ECA 31 3500 -> send 6289

Way 2: Voting online with computer or mobile

Step 1: Access voting link here
Terms and conditions,  please click at “Tôi đồng ý với thể lệ trên” (I agree with the term and conditions above), then click “Chuyển qua bước 2” (move to step 2)
Step 2: Fulfill information
Please fulfill your personal information correctly, then click on “Chuyển qua bước 3” (move to step 3)
Step 3: Please choose and click on “Sàn TMĐT
(E-commerce service floor) then vote for website Vietnammm.com by clicking on “Chọn” (choose) and enter the amount of voters to have a chance to win prizes.
Step 4: Confirm
Checking your mobile phone number again and confirm the result. Then click “Xác nhận bình chọn” (Confirm)
Step 5: Finish
You will receive a text message with activation code sent to your mobile phone, please enter that code in the space on your computer/mobile then click “Kích hoạt” (activate).