WowBox Salad & Smoothies & Juices
⏰ 18/11/2020 ➤ 15/12/2020
✔️ Giảm giá 15.000vnđ cho mỗi đơn hàng trên 100.000vnđ
⏰ 18/11/2020 ➤ 15/12/2020
✔️ Get 15.000vnd discount for order over 100.000vnd
⭐️ WOWBOX SALAD makes your healthy eating easier. We specialize in fresh, healthy SALADS and GREEN SMOOTHIES for your daily diet, low-carb and vegetarian diet, etc. We are deeply committed to using only quality natural ingredients from trustworthy suppliers.
⏰ 18/11/2020 ➤ 15/12/2020
✔️ Giảm giá 15.000vnđ cho mỗi đơn hàng trên 100.000vnđ
⏰ 18/11/2020 ➤ 15/12/2020
✔️ Get 15.000vnd discount for order over 100.000vnd
⭐️ WOWBOX SALAD makes your healthy eating easier. We specialize in fresh, healthy SALADS and GREEN SMOOTHIES for your daily diet, low-carb and vegetarian diet, etc. We are deeply committed to using only quality natural ingredients from trustworthy suppliers.
Popular Dishes

Create your own salad
Pick your favourite green lettuces, toppings and dressing for your own salad recipe. There are more than 5 types of green bases, 80 choices of toppings, and 17 varieties of dressing available at WowBox.
Signature salads

Classic salads

Premium Salads

Everyday Salad
Simple yet delicious salads for your daily healthy diet

Side dishes

Green Smoothies
These delicious health-boosting green smoothies with 100% natural ingredients make your green meal complete
Jucie Drinks
Superior-quality fruit and veggie juices using latest slow-press juicing technology. No sugar or milk added.

Other Drinks

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