✔️ Handmade Tortilla
✔️ Homemade Salsa
=> Please Choose "Come up to room" if you want us to deliver food to your room. Because we have to pay 10k more for shipper for extra service. So PLEASE sympathize. Thank you.
☀️ Please choose "Add Cutlery" option if you request it. We always want to improve everyday to make our customer happy. So let us know what we need to fix in your review and what we don't need to change!!!
✍ Khách vui lòng ghi rõ địa chỉ toà nhà chung cư, văn phòng... bên cạnh tên toà nhà nếu bạn muốn giao lên tận phòng, và chung tối sẽ giao tận phòng mà không thu thêm phí.
✍ Please add specific street number of buildings, landmarks, ofices and so on.. so that we are able to deliver your food quickly without charging fees.
❤️ Thank you very much!!!
✔️ Homemade Salsa
=> Please Choose "Come up to room" if you want us to deliver food to your room. Because we have to pay 10k more for shipper for extra service. So PLEASE sympathize. Thank you.
☀️ Please choose "Add Cutlery" option if you request it. We always want to improve everyday to make our customer happy. So let us know what we need to fix in your review and what we don't need to change!!!
✍ Khách vui lòng ghi rõ địa chỉ toà nhà chung cư, văn phòng... bên cạnh tên toà nhà nếu bạn muốn giao lên tận phòng, và chung tối sẽ giao tận phòng mà không thu thêm phí.
✍ Please add specific street number of buildings, landmarks, ofices and so on.. so that we are able to deliver your food quickly without charging fees.
❤️ Thank you very much!!!
Popular Dishes

Combo Leo

Soft Drinks
Beers n Ciders
Coco Latte
Summer Ade
Fruit Tea
Wake-up Combo
Products within the next category can only be delivered before 10:00 h.
Lunch Combo
Products within the next category can only be delivered before 13:00 h.
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{{Some products have been changed. We've updated them for you.}}
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{{1x}} {{Product name}}
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{{1x}} {{Discount name}} {{-discount price}}
{{1x}} {{Auto Product name}} {{price}}
Sub-total {{price}}
Delivery costs {{price}}
Total {{price}}
Voucher {{price}}
{{Transaction costs (Payment method)}} {{price}}
Amount needed to reach the minimum order value {{price}}
FREE delivery from {costs}