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Kale + Spinach + Apple + Romaine + Cucumber + Celery Effect: Detoxifier, reduce cholesterol, joint and bone support
Apple + Celery + Spinach + Organe + Lemon + Ginger Effect: Immune support, cardiovascular aid, healthy skin cell growth
Pinapple + Lemon + Orange + Celery Effect: Digestive support, reduce cholesterol
Pomelo + Pear + Celery Effect: Cholesterol management, digestive cleanser
Apple + Lemon + Ginger Effect: Immune booster, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory
Pineapple + Carrot + Orange + Ginger Effect: Anti-inflammatory, eye health, immune support
Beet + Pineapple + Pear + Ginger Effect: Antioxidant rich, immune support, improve circulation
Waterlemon + Strawberry + Lime + Mint Effect: Anti-oxidant rich, rehydration
Cucumber + Spinach + Broccoli + Parsley + Apple Effect: Nutritional powerhouse, healthy heart, antionxidant rich
Cucumber + Pear + Kale + Romaine + Lemon Effect: Anti-oxidant rich, energy boost, anti-inflammatory
Waterlemon + Strawberry + Lime + Mint Effect: Anti-oxidant rich, energy boost, anti-inflammatory
Navel orange + Coconut water + Carrot + Lemon + Tumeric Effect: Anti inflammatory, immune support, anti-bacterial
Coconut water + Chia seed + Maple syrup + Lemon Effect: Omega-3 fatty acids rich, healthy hair and skin, energy booster
Beet + Carrot + Apple + Lemon Effect: Kidney and liver cleanser, improves digestion, cholesterol management
Mineral water + Almond + Date + Vanilla + Sea salt Effect: Healthy heart, weight management, energy booster
Mineral Water + Almond + Date + Vanilla + Sea salt + Cocoa Effect: Healthy heart, weight management, mood enhancer