Detox House
⭐️ All our drinks are made to order without any additives to assure freshness and taste. So please allow for processing and delivery time.
⏰ Normal delivery time is 30 - 45 minutes
⏰ Normal delivery time is 30 - 45 minutes
Nước ép
300ml/paper cup (0 ice 0 sugar 0 additives)

Sinh tố

Đồ uống tự tạo
300ml/paper cup (0 ice 0 sugar 0 additives)

Healthy snack

Súp (400ml)
Vui lòng đặt trước 2 giờ đồng hồ để đảm bảo thời gian chế biến và giao hàng. Tất cả các món súp không thêm bất cứ chất phụ gia nào để đảm bảo độ tươi, ngon

You're about to place a pickup order. If you do not want to pick up, please change it here to delivery.
{{The following products are not available and removed from your basket.}}
{{Some products have been changed. We've updated them for you.}}
Đơn hàng trống. Thêm món bằng cách nhấp vào thực đơn.
This product or addition is not incl. in minimum order value
Sorry, you can't order yet. The products you've selected are only available for delivery if accompanied by other products.
{{1x}} {{Product name}}
Huỷ Delete Thêm Sửa
{{1x}} {{Discount name}} {{-discount price}}
{{1x}} {{Auto Product name}} {{price}}
Tổng {{price}}
Phí giao hàng {{price}}
Tổng cộng {{price}}
Phiếu giảm giá {{price}}
{{Transaction costs (Payment method)}} {{price}}
Cần đạt giá trị đơn hàng tối thiểu {{price}}