Dag Pie - The Best Pie In Town
⏰ 17/10/2020 ➤ 31/10/2020
✔️ Giảm giá 10% cho đơn hàng từ 180.000đ
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⏰ 17/10/2020 ➤ 31/10/2020
✔️ Get 10% OFF for orders from 180.000VND
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☀️ Dagestani Homemade Cuisine
⏰ 17/10/2020 ➤ 31/10/2020
✔️ Giảm giá 10% cho đơn hàng từ 180.000đ
✍️ Giá được giảm trong giỏ hàng
⏰ 17/10/2020 ➤ 31/10/2020
✔️ Get 10% OFF for orders from 180.000VND
✍️ See promoted price in cart
☀️ Dagestani Homemade Cuisine
- Originated in Republic of Dagestan, our pies cannot be compared to any other pies all over the world!
- Located in the North Caucasus region the Republic of Dagestan, a federal subject of Russia, is famous for the recipes that are simple in composition and usage of products that can be easily obtained from its local mountainous terrains. Dagestani cuisine uses different spices such as; garlic, cilantro, caraway, and bay leaves, which results in flavorful and delicious dishes.
- Hopefully, you will enjoy discovering this unusual cuisine and love it as much as we do!
❤️ Our customers are very important to us, and your opinion highly matters. Please leave us a review, let us know what you think, and help us improve.
Món được yêu thích

Đặt hàng trước 1 ngày

Bánh Dagestani Pies
Dagestani pies are made of thinly rolled yeast dough stuffed with different ingredients. Currently we are offering four kinds of savory pies that are rich in flavor that we assure can satisfy your hunger!
The diameter of the pie we are serving is approximately 23cm, and it weighs about 600g; our pies are good for sharing.
Obviously pies or any food taste best straight from the oven.
Do not worry!
To make sure our pies are delivered to you while still being hot, we wrap them in foil and put them in craft boxes.
The diameter of the pie we are serving is approximately 23cm, and it weighs about 600g; our pies are good for sharing.
Obviously pies or any food taste best straight from the oven.
Do not worry!
To make sure our pies are delivered to you while still being hot, we wrap them in foil and put them in craft boxes.

Bánh Kurze
Dagestani boiled dumplings prepared with two different kinds of stuffing.
Each serving contains about 250g of kurze, which should be more than enough to fill one person.
Each serving contains about 250g of kurze, which should be more than enough to fill one person.

Món Truyền Thống Của Nga
Russian thin pan-fried pancakes with two different fillings each serving has 2 pieces of blintzes (about 130g)

Món tráng miệng Nga
You can also order a variety of homemade Russian desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth after your meal

Frozen Food

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