Agnes Cafe
✍ Get a free juice when your monthly bill accumulated up to 1millions vnd
✍ Dear customer,
Start from 11April 2020 we deliver to District 1, District 2, District 3, Binh Thanh District, Phu Nhuan District, Go Vap District, Hiep Binh Chanh (Thu Duc District) within the distance of 7km-10km:
✔️ Orders at minimum amount of 100.000vnd
✔️ The delivery fee is VND35,000 is applied to all orders.
- To support for Environment Protection campaign, we'll not send cutlery/straw for every delivery to house or apartment.
Please add note if you require and we'll happily provide.
❤️ Thank you!
✍ Dear customer,
Start from 11April 2020 we deliver to District 1, District 2, District 3, Binh Thanh District, Phu Nhuan District, Go Vap District, Hiep Binh Chanh (Thu Duc District) within the distance of 7km-10km:
✔️ Orders at minimum amount of 100.000vnd
✔️ The delivery fee is VND35,000 is applied to all orders.
- To support for Environment Protection campaign, we'll not send cutlery/straw for every delivery to house or apartment.
Please add note if you require and we'll happily provide.
❤️ Thank you!
Món được yêu thích

Cà phê

Nước ép
100% trái cây tươi

Sinh tố

Thức uống đóng chai

Điểm tâm
Phục vụ tất cả các ngày trong tuần với nguyên liệu rất tươi, tất cả các đơn hàng đi kèm với bánh khoai tây đút lò và cà chua dút lò.




Món Mexico

Món gà và cá hồi

Ăn kèm mới một phần salad tươi hoặc khoai tây đút lò

Combo for Office
Một phần ăn + nước ép (chỉ giao với số lượng ít nhất 3 phần)

Wholesale supply

You're about to place a pickup order. If you do not want to pick up, please change it here to delivery.
{{The following products are not available and removed from your basket.}}
{{Some products have been changed. We've updated them for you.}}
Đơn hàng trống. Thêm món bằng cách nhấp vào thực đơn.
This product or addition is not incl. in minimum order value
Sorry, you can't order yet. The products you've selected are only available for delivery if accompanied by other products.
{{1x}} {{Product name}}
Huỷ Delete Thêm Sửa
{{1x}} {{Discount name}} {{-discount price}}
{{1x}} {{Auto Product name}} {{price}}
Tổng {{price}}
Phí giao hàng {{price}}
Tổng cộng {{price}}
Phiếu giảm giá {{price}}
{{Transaction costs (Payment method)}} {{price}}
Cần đạt giá trị đơn hàng tối thiểu {{price}}